Friday, March 28, 2008

Just keeps gettin BIGGER!

Hello Fellow Trivia Lovers!!

It was another fantastic week for The Big Trivia Show!! Thanks to all of you for supporting the show.

Smokey Bones was hopping on Wednesday and the prizes were awesome!! we gave away two $50 Gift Certificates for First Place!! Congrats to the Blue Kazoos and to The Yankees for taking home the top prizes. Not for nothing, but the Kazoos had a couple of cuties on their team as well....but I disgress!

Bennigans UCF hosted two BIG trivia shows this past week and I am forever grateful to Sean and the crew at Bennigans for supporting the BIG Trivia Show and of course, to all of the teams that make the show great!!

Team Not Very Good won our Thursday night game and Team Bovice was our big winner Monday. Its always a great night at Bennigans and I can't wait til Monday to do it all again!

Now, I would like your input. I am wanting to update my music selections at the show and I need imput from my loyal BIGGIES (your new nickname) on what kind of "grading music" you would like to hear. Please leave a comment at the bottom of the blog with your suggestions.

Remember, if you and your business would like to be on the BIG Trivia Show answer sheet, its only $10 per week and is seen by thousands each month! Email me at
if you're interested. Its a great investment!

I will be at Wrestlemania this weekend! I know many think its dumb but its quite a spectacle and hella-entertaining and I could not be more excited! Btw, I predict HHH will take the belt in the main event.

Until next week..............Stay Classy planet Earth Trivia!!


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