Sunday, November 30, 2008

More like Black "Fright-Day"

Hello New Biggies and Loyal Players of the Big Trivia Show!

Let me start by saying I truly hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was grat as always. We had about 35 family members, 3 turkeys, a Ham, and a butt load of side dishes. Everyone brought something so we were not anywhere close to being short on food and fun.

I made sure I got my fill becuase I knew there was something I had to do Friday morning that I had never done before. I had to get myself out of bed around 5AM to make sure I was one of the first to get my hands on a Hot Wheels Barbie Jammin Jeep down at Walmart for my baby girl on behalf of Santa Claus (wink wink). They only had a few so I knew it would be a challenge.

I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS IN FOR!!!!!!!!! I was there by 5:03am and was already S.O.L.

I walked around the store surround by hundreds of desperate souls much like myself. TV's, Clothes, Toys....shoot, you name it, it was on special and in short supply!

So, after wandering around awhile, I realized my quest was futile. I got the hell out of there quicker than you could say "Black Friday". I was home by 5:45 and back to bed by 5:50. Never before and never again!!! (Besides, there's always Cyber Monday right????:)

Now its time for our BTS Team of the Week. Once again, its never easy to choose just one team as their is no clear cut winner this week. That is why I have chosen to not focus on the "scores" as much as another important element, bringing new people with you.

I always enjoy seeing new faces with teams that have played previously. That tells me all I need to know about the show I perform every week. "Its alot of fun and I think so and so would like this as well." Either that or "Hey so and so? I need you to come to trivia with me so I can get extra points on my quiz and god knows you owe me!!"

Either way...I appreciate it! Our winner this week constantly brings new folks into the fold and those new folks have even brought new folks of their own. That's alot of folks!
Futhermore, being that this week was Thanksgiving, I thought it fitting that they brought 7 new people to the show. That's a Thanksgiving dining room full isn't it?

Congrats to this week's BTS Team of the Week! Gators Dockside players...
The South Pole Elves (Pictured)

Now for this week's winners!! First, here is where you can catch the BIG Trivia Show every weekday!!

Monday-Tue-Thur-Fri at Copper Rocket for Budweiser Happy Hour Trivia beginning at 5:30!!

And during the week!!

Tuesdays at Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill Waterford Lakes starting at 7:30pm.

Wednesdays at Gator's Dockside in Lake Mary (Lake Mary Blvd right past Lake Emma)

Thursdays at Coasters Sports Pub inside Boarwalk Bowl for two exciting 3 round games beginning at 9pm!!

*SPECIAL NOTE: You may have noticed that Rivals was removed from the weekely mentions. They have decided to forgo the show until January so it is not done for good, just for now. I want to thank Rivals for all they have done and I look forward to seeing my Rival's crew next month!

Attention cast aside Rivals Teams!! Don't forget you can catch the show on Tuesday's at Smokey Bones bar and Fire Grill at Waterford Lakes and Alafaya every Tuesday at 7:30pm and at Coasters (inside Boardwalk Bowl) every Thursday at 9pm!

Monday @ Rivals one (3 round) game and a round of sports trivia ($20/$15/$10)

1st Place--Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
2nd Place--Certified Erectors
3rd Place-- Beauty Knows No Pain

*Sports Challenge--1 round (10 Questions) $20 Winner Take All--
Products of the 80's (11 out of 20)

Tuesday @ Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill 2 Games ($20, $15, $10 both games)

1st Place-- Knights of Avalon/Stupid Raccon
2nd Place--Tofurkey, not Turkey/I was dropped of at a Nebraska Hospital
3rd Place--Mod Squad/We're not thankful for losing Game 1

Wednesday @ Gators Dockside Lake Mary 1 Game ($20/$15/$10)

1st Place--Arrogant Bastards
2nd Place--The Jive Turkeys
3rd Place--Double Vision

Thursday @ Coasters Sports Pub (inside Boardwalk Bowl) 2 Games ($25/$15/$10)

Thanksgiving. No Show This Week. I'll see you all this Thursday!

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday @ Copper Rocket 1 Game winner take all! ($15)

Mon--I Like Beer
Tue-- Polygamus Turkey Lips
Thurs--Turkey Day!!! No Show!
Fri-- The Seaward

Now, for this week's JUMBLE PHRAZE THAT PAYZ! Each word in this five word jumble will be worth three points with each word corresponding for a day of the week.Example...Monday-first word (+3), Tuesday-second word (+3), etc.

Remember, if you solve that days word (+3) AND the five word sentence (+1), You will get a total score of (+4). The Phraze will be added to your final overall score.


This week's Phraze That Payz Theme ...What I think of The day after Thanksgiving.

Monday- +3 LKACB
Tuesday-+3 IYFDRA....
Wednesday-+3 UYRTL
Thursday--+3 SNAAT'S (Clue...."not claus")
Friday- +3 NCAOITRE

_ _ _ _ _ (+1)

Also, any new person you bring will earn you ONE EXTRA POINT PER NEW PERSON!!Please No repeats!! Once they are new, they cannot be used as new again. Just let me know and I will give it to you!

Congrats again to our Team of the Week... THE SOUTH POLE ELVES!!!!

You thought last week was great, just wait til this week!!

See you at the shows!!



Sunday, November 23, 2008

Feeling Thankful

Hello New Biggies and Loyal Players of the Big Trivia Show!

Another great week for the BIG Trivia Show is in the books and I have YOU to thank! It is about feeling thankful this week and that should be the focus. It was a year ago the month that I was doing something completely different than trivia. For eight years, I was a loyal employee of Clear Channel radio as a producer and on-air "talent". Well, the economy spares no one from its wrath and I was a casuality of the dreaded budget cut. Thankfully, I made a good friend while in radio. Every week, Curtis Earth would come in on Friday's and do a round of trivia for the listeners. We struck up a friendship and his phone call was one of the first made after the "Layoff". I was an admirer of what Curtis had built over the past 15 or so years and felt that it was something I would be good at. Plus, it was a job and I needed one badly. So, since December '07 this has been my professional life and it has been a blast! I am often asked if I miss my old radio life. My honest answer is NO! This is more personal, more rewarding. I look forward to each and every show because I get to see and have fun with my friends. How many jobs can offer that? It is for this, for you, I am thankful. I know the economy has been tough on all of us. Everyone has felt its effects and I know my story is one of many. I just hope for a couple hours a week, I can help take your mind off of it for a little while. This is my reward.

Now its time for our BTS Team of the Week. This team has many different variations but they always represent. Sometimes they are only two, other times they expand to four or five. They welcome new members and share the winnings with all. Plus, they play every day at Copper Rocket, not just once or twice a week! They are addicted, but this is an addiction we can all appreciate! I am thankful for you all, but this week I want to give big thanks to this week's BTS Team of the Week........I LIKE BEER!!

You are Copper Rocket ICONS!! Now, if only I could get a picture of you that would come out! Its kinda dark in there ya know:)

Now for this week's winners!!

First, here is where you can catch the BIG Trivia Show every weekday!! Remember, we also do a round of Sports Trivia at Rivals at halftime of the Monday Night Football game! Test your football knowledge and win a $20 Rivals Gift Certificate!!

Monday-Tue-Thur-Fri at Copper Rocket for Budweiser Happy Hour Trivia beginning at 5:30!!

And during the week!!
Monday at Rivals Sports Pub beginning at 7:30pm!!

Tuesdays at Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill Waterford Lakes starting at 7:30pm.

Wednesdays at Gator's Dockside in Lake Mary (Lake Mary Blvd right past Lake Emma)

Thursdays at Coasters Sports Pub inside Boarwalk Bowl for two exciting 3 round games beginning at 9pm!!

Monday @ Rivals one (3 round) game and a round of sports trivia ($20/$15/$10)
1st Place--The Smurfs are Communists
2nd Place-- Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
3rd Place-- The Doctors
*Sports Challenge--1 round (10 Questions) $20 Winner Take All--- Who's on 1st (15 out of 20)

Tuesday @ Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill 2 Games ($20, $15, $10 both games)
1st Place-- Melting Pearls/All Proceeds go to a New Puppy in the White House
2nd Place--Steadman's my Baby Daddy/Melting Pearls
3rd Place--All Proceed's go to a New Puppy in the White House/Where's my Child Support?

Wednesday @ Gators Dockside Lake Mary 1 Game ($20/$15/$10)
1st Place--Interspecies Erotica
2nd Place--STFU
3rd Place--Duh

Thursday @ Coasters Sports Pub (inside Boardwalk Bowl) 2 Games ($25/$15/$10)
1st Place--I Peed in your Pool/Red and Blue Light Special
2nd Place--Playing for Free Money/ He Lost
3rd Place-- Voted for McCain/Man Piece

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday @ Copper Rocket 1 Game winner take all! ($15)
Mon--The Do-Nothing Liberals
Tue-- I Like Beer
Thurs--I Teabagged your Piano
Fri-- I Like Beer

Now, for this week's JUMBLE PHRAZE THAT PAYZ! Each word in this five word jumble will be worth three points with each word corresponding for a day of the week.

Example...Monday-first word (+3), Tuesday-second word (+3), etc.

Remember, if you solve that days word (+3) AND the five word sentence (+1), You will get a total score of (+4).

The Phraze will be added to your final overall score. YOU CAN USE THE PHRAZE ONCE PER GAME (if applicable) GOOD LUCK!!

This week's Phraze That Payz Theme ...Well Wishes!

Monday- +3 PHAPY
Wednesday-+3 MORF
Thursday--+3 RHAET
Friday- +3 ITVARI
_ _ _ _ _ (+1)

Also, any new person you bring will earn you ONE EXTRA POINT PER NEW PERSON!!

Please No repeats!! Once they are new, they cannot be used as new again. Just let me know and I will give it to you!

Congrats again to our Team of the Week...!!! I LIKE BEER!!

You thought last week was great, just wait til this week!!

See you at the shows!!



Sunday, November 16, 2008

When Trees Attack!!

Hello New Biggies and Loyal Players of the Big Trivia Show!

Have you ever had something entirely planned and ready to go then....BOOM........a tree falls in your yard? Maybe you have. Well, that's what happened to your's truly this week. As usual, I was reflecting on the week that was and finalizing a Phraze That Payz during Friday's rainy night when Ratatattat bing bang neighbors tree came crashing down like McCain's presidential hopes. Startled, I sat back and thanked my stars it did not hit my back porch where I was sitting at the time of the attack. Composed, I went out and assesed the damage. I am happy to report damage minimal, however, it was now up to me to cut this sucker into pieces and remove it from my yard. For this job, I would need a chainsaw, string to tie the branches, and most importantly...the "want to" to get this now essential job done. So...TO 7-11 I WENT!! For this was not just any regular 6 pack sir. This job was what I like to call a Case Study.

Well, it is Sunday and many beers later, I am happy to report the job is 95% done and should be completed today (I stress should be). The best part is....its not my fence! That will be my neighbors responsibility. As you can tell...we are not close:)

Enough about me, let's get to the week that was. Before the tree decided to come over for a late night visit, I was trying to decide who should be this week's BTS Team of the Week. It is now decision time and I am still not 100%. Here's my dilemma, I have no less than 3 teams that are worthy of this week's honor. Here are this week's candidates......

At Rivals "Do We Need A Team Name"?. These guys are true blue loyal players of the BTS and have never achieved the TOTW honor.

At Smokey Bones..The Pink Panthers and the All Proceeds Benefit team(s). One of these teams have received the honor while the other has not as of yet. Both played well this week and are worthy. Plus, The Pink Panthers brought me a cupcake! Sweets are my kryptonite..

At Gators, my old friends STFU and the Overy Punchers (Anchorman Reference, not way of life) are more than worthy. Plus, the Punchers actually asked to be the team this week. They and others realize what an honor it is (hehe).

Finally, at Coasters, HOF inductees the Chameleons (under the names Four Play and Hoover Dammit) had their finest outing to date. They won both games going away with scores of 80 and 78.

So as you can see, my decision will not be an easy one. Should I pull an Obama and spread the wealth around? Or, should I just pick one and feel good about my unwishywashyness?

Well, God knows i'm not much for the "socialistic" view of things so I shall pick just one and stick with it.


I can't let a combined score of 158 go unrewarded after praising a team last week for setting an all time mark of 80. The Chameleons did that and then some. After all, when it comes down to it, its still about results and loyality.

To the ones who were not chosen this week, do not despair. Its not you...its me! Keep the politicing and sweets coming. Your turn will be soon!

Now for this week's winners!!

First, here is where you can catch the BIG Trivia Show every weekday!!

Remember, we also do a round of Sports Trivia at Rivals at halftime of the Monday Night Football game! Test your football knowledge and win a $20 Rivals Gift Certificate!!

Monday-Tue-Thur-Fri at Copper Rocket for Budweiser Happy Hour Trivia beginning at 5:30!!

And during the week!!Monday at Rivals Sports Pub beginning at 7:30pm!!

Tuesdays at Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill Waterford Lakes starting at 7:30pm.

Wednesdays at Gator's Dockside in Lake Mary (Lake Mary Blvd right past Lake Emma)

Thursdays at Coasters Sports Pub inside Boarwalk Bowl for two exciting 3 round games beginning at 9pm!!

Monday @ Rivals one (3 round) game and a round of sports trivia ($20/$15/$10)

1st Place--Do We Need a Name?

2nd Place-- Certified Erectors

3rd Place-- CMCJT

*Sports Challenge--1 round (10 Questions) $20 Winner Take All--- Go Fish (11 out of 20)

Tuesday @ Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill 2 Games ($20, $15, $10 both games)

1st Place-- Snow Machines..You Betcha/I Need Another Beer

2nd Place--Turkey Cupcakes/Kermit The Frog

3rd Place--All Proceeds Gotta Go Somewhere/Porkchop Sandwich

Wednesday @ Gators Dockside Lake Mary 1 Game ($20/$15/$10)

1st Place--STFU

2nd Place--Ovary Punchers

3rd Place--Hogans Hero's

Thursday @ Coasters Sports Pub (inside Boardwalk Bowl) 2 Games ($25/$15/$10)

1st Place--Four Play/Hoover Dammit

2nd Place--I Peed in Your Pool /Monkey Fish Capoos

3rd Place-- Eat Me/Eat Me

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday @ Copper Rocket 1 Game winner take all! ($15)

Mon--I Like Beer

Tue-- I Like Beer

Thurs--I Like Beer

Fri-- I Teabagged Your Drumset

Now, for this week's JUMBLE PHRAZE THAT PAYZ!

Each word in this five word jumble will be worth three points with each word corresponding for a day of the week. Example...Monday-first word, Tuesday-second word, etc.

Remember, if you solve that days word AND the five word sentence, I will give you one extra point.

The Phraze will be added to your final overall score.


This week's Phraze That Payz Theme ...Watch out for that Tree!!

Monday- +3 NEEPNRLAI

Tuesday-+3 DOWYO

Wednesday-+3 TNLPA

Thursday--+3 IICDEUSS

Friday- +3 NSRIIG

_ _ _ _ _ (+1)

Also, any new person you bring will earn you ONE EXTRA POINT PER NEW PERSON!! Please No repeats!! Once they are new, they cannot be used as new again. Just let me know and I will give it to you!

Congrats again to our Team of the Week...BTS Hall of Famers The Chameleons!!!

You thought last week was great, just wait til this week!!

See you at the shows!!



Sunday, November 9, 2008

Historical Week for the Country...and the Big Trivia Show!

Hello New Biggies and Loyal Players of the Big Trivia Show!

I want to start off this entry with a special note of thanks to Curtis Earth for filling in for me at Rivals and Copper Rocket this week as I took an extended weekend up to our nation's capital. I was one of the 40,000 other Steeler fans to rock Fed Ex Field and cheer my favorite team on to a resounding victory over the host Redskins much to my wife's dismay. You see, we are in a "mixed marriage". I am a Steeler die hard, while she is a Redskins die hard.

Trust me, after the game, the only one that "died hard" was me!

Thanks Curtis!! Great job as always!!

What a week huh? History was made this week as "We The People" elected our very first African American President. For that, we should be proud that another barrier has been broken. However, now its time to focus on what our country needs. From this point forward, the race of our president becomes secondary. Its his policies that should become the focus, just like every other president before him.

Congrats to President Elect Obama! Now don't let us down!!

Remember, the content of your character is even more signifigant than the color of your skin.

It wasn't just the election that made history this week. A Big Trivia first was also accomplished this week. As loyal players of the BTS can attest, achieving a perfect score in Round 3 is not impossible, but its pretty doggone hard to do. Others have accomplished it, but much like a Blue Moon, it doesn't happen very often. When it does, it should be recognized.

As Paul Harvey would say, "and now....the rest of the story". On Thursday nights at Coasters, we have a three point extra credit question in our game called the "Big Think". This question is not impossible to answer, but the chances of achieving the right answer is are slim. I give each team an ample amount of time to answer this question as it is submitted towards the end of Round 2 with an answer due by the end of Round 3. The question was.....What does the Average American change every 13 years? As you can see, not an easy question.

Well, much to my surpise, not only did this week's BTS Team of the Week answer the Big Think (Careers is the answer), but also managed to answer every question in Round 3 correctly! This, along with the Phraze That Payz, earned this team an overall score of 80! To my knowledge, this is the highest score ever acheived in the history of the BTS!

This team of bright minds is one of the two enshrined in the BTS Hall of Fame. Now you see why.

Congrats to our BTS Team of the Week!! I Peed In Your Pool!
You truly outdid yourselves and the bar continues to go up!

Now for this week's winners!!

First, here is where you can catch the BIG Trivia Show every weekday!!

Remember, we also do a round of Sports Trivia at Rivals at halftime of the Monday Night Football game! Test your football knowledge and win a $20 Rivals Gift Certificate!!

Monday-Tue-Thur-Fri at Copper Rocket for Budweiser Happy Hour Trivia beginning at 5:30!!

And during the week!!Monday at Rivals Sports Pub beginning at 7:30pm!!

Tuesdays at Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill Waterford Lakes starting at 7:30pm.

Wednesdays at Gator's Dockside in Lake Mary (Lake Mary Blvd right past Lake Emma)

Thursdays at Coasters Sports Pub inside Boarwalk Bowl for two exciting 3 round games beginning at 9pm!!

Monday @ Rivals one (3 round) game and a round of sports trivia ($20/$15/$10)
1st Place-- I can see Cuba from here
2nd Place-- Rivals Retards
3rd Place-- Big Blue Ones

*Sports Challenge--1 round (10 Questions) $20 Winner Take All--- Mo, Larry and Curly (20 out of 20)

Tuesday @ Smokey Bones Bar and Fire Grill 2 Games ($20, $15, $10 both games)
1st Place-- SteadMuffin/Team M&M
2nd Place--Obamarama/SteadMuffin
3rd Place--Team M&M/Knights of Avalon

Wednesday @ Gators Dockside Lake Mary 1 Game ($20/$15/$10)
1st Place--Studman Lives!
2nd Place--STFU
3rd Place--South Pole Elves

Thursday @ Coasters Sports Pub (inside Boardwalk Bowl) 2 Games ($25/$15/$10)
1st Place--*The Shaqtusses/I Peed In Your Pool (Won Tie-Breaker)
2nd Place-- I Peed In Your Pool/The Crystal Juices
3rd Place-- Braylon Edwards Sucks/Primordial Soup

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday @ Copper Rocket 1 Game winner take all! ($15)
Mon--Legion of Doom
Tue-- Its Round 3, Don't be a Fish Taco
Thurs-- Fat Kids are Harder to Kidnap
Fri-- I Like Beer

Now, for this week's JUMBLE PHRAZE THAT PAYZ!Each word in this five word jumble will be worth three points with each word corresponding for a day of the week.

Example...Monday-first word, Tuesday-second word, etc.

Remember, if you solve that days word AND the five word sentence, I will give you one extra point. The Phraze will be added to your final overall score.


This week's Phraze That Payz Theme ...President Obama's first order of business ..

Monday- +3 COONECIM
Tuesday-+3 MUULSTSI
Wednesday-+3 AKPGAEC
= (Include equals sign as part of the Phraze)
Thursday--+3 LAMSAP
Friday- +3 EEIIOSNTLV !

_ _ _ _ _ (+1)

Also, any new person you bring will earn you ONE EXTRA POINT PER NEW PERSON!! Please No repeats!! Once they are new, they cannot be used as new again. Just let me know and I will give it to you!

Congrats again to our Team of the Week...BTS Hall of Famers I Peed In Your Pool!!!

You thought last week was great, just wait til this week!!

See you at the shows!!

